❌ Introducing KillSpam

May 24, 2021

Over the years I've built many products. The most recent "success" is dealsourcr. Every time a product I've built that has failed, it has been down to the same mistake: not fixing my own problem(s) or better said a solution trying to find a problem

Forget trying to come up with a great idea, instead fix your own painful/deeply annoying problems.

It's amazing how many times I've made this mistake. I'm hoping this lesson in now deeply embedded in my brain.

With dealsourcr (for example) I was literally fixing my own problem (of finding properties to invest in, in the UK). It went from 1 user to 100s in weeks, and has been profitable from week 1. It now does around £11,000/$15,500 MRR.

What is KillSpam?

KillSpam connects to YouTuber's Channels and autonomously in the background reads all the public comments and deletes scammer/spam content.

Is this really a problem? Do people really care? Why isn't YouTube doing this?

Yes this is a serious problem, if you use YouTube a lot, which I do. You'll find a massive amount of scammers. Especially for YouTuber's in the financial & crypto arena.

I thought this was just a problem for me, maybe no-one cared? So I built a Chrome Extension and sent it to the YouTuber's I love watching, I also launched on Product Hunt. They all confirmed this was a massive problem with a deep desire to use the service.

Is your product a painkiller or a vitamin?

YouTube haven't fixed this problem because I don't think it changes their engagement. But it does effect the YouTube Creators, who build a strong community via their videos and comments.

Pivoting from Chrome Extension to a Real SaaS Product

I was very surprised by the response. The main feedback was, this is great that it hides the scammer content but it doesn't fix the problem. The Chrome Extension was like AdBlocker, everyone had to install it.

To really fix the problem, you need to integrate into the YouTube API and actually delete the content, autonomously.

Do Things That Don't Scale & Build a Product People Love

In order to reach real product market fit, it's most important to truly fix the problem and build a product people LOVE, how do you do this? Well solve it for yourself first.

Next? Solve it for customer #1 and keep iterating until they love it.

Enter: Chicken Genius Singapore, the Tesla YouTuber who has over 220,000 subscribers and 30% of his comments are scammers.

I worked closely with Ken to solve the problem just for him, 1 user first. If you can't solve it for 1, you can't solve it for 10, 100 and so on.

As of the last few weeks, Ken has zero scammer content. Before, it was 30%. It got so bad, that Ken gave up deleting it, because every time he deleted one comment another 10 appeared.

He's wanted to spread the word and tell more people, this is a great sign. Up until this morning I've been working with the YouTube Team to get my API quotas increased. As of 24th May 2021, we can now handle 50x the amount of traffic.

Launching KillSpam to the public

KillSpam is now available for any YouTube Channel with over 10,000 subscribers. Please try it out, it's free during this period and I will let you know when it becomes a paid product.

Build, Measure & Learn

Please email me at hello@killspam.app if you have any feedback so I can make the product better. Thank you for reading.